Thursday 14 June 2012

Day 10 - Gina you Slut!

So had a great night sleep last night in our 50's motel, so comfortable. We all got showered and packed up at around 7.30 and headed over to the motel owners espresso shop to get some coffee that she said would be amazing. And she wasn't lying! It was the best coffee we all agreed we have ever had, not sure how but was awesome. We waved goodbye to her and took some tips of places to visit which we appreciated.
We headed straight to this place we had heard about which was called Blue Hole. It was about an hours drive and the temperature was on the rise constantly which was good. Once we got there we were told the disappointing news that the it wasnt going to be accessible to the public for a few hours as it was getting some work done on it. This was so frustrating as it was now 38 degrees and we melting. It looked absolutely amazing. It was basically just a huge 80ft deep whole that was filled with the most pristine clear water, surrounded by small cliffs to jump off. Paradise!

Someone mentioned a lake nearby we quickly found so we played there for a while instead. That was still really fun. It had a diving board and slides. I couldn't help but think about the people who just live near here and think how lucky they are. 40 degree heat and lakes everywhere to go in, and then i think of Newton Aycliffe in England. There is just no comparison! It soon became very crowded when about 20 school buses pulled up and lots of kids came screaming out. I was about anyways as i nearly broke my finger catching an american football. Its really bruised now and hurts but its not broken which is good. 
We decided to go get some food to pass some of the time. The place we choose was another little route 66 gem. It was actually called route 66 restaurant. Every inch of the walls inside were covered with route 66 memorabilia and the it the furniture hadn't been changed since the 1970's. Had so much character. It was thursday which was apparently burger special day so it would be rude not to. George carried on smashing the meat and Sam stuck to his veggie. I don't know how he does it when there is so much choice. For a tasty huge meal it was really cheap. We took a few pictures outside and went back to try our look at the Blue Hole.

Arriving at the Blue Hole again we were told that the hole wasnt going to be open for a good few hours again so we just decided to knock it on the head, as hard as it was! 
We got back on the mother road and began a 2 drive to Albuquerque. Driving through the town we were looking for a motel but everyone we seemed to go past looked like a drugs den. It was strange driving along, there was a strange atmosphere around that none of us could explain. We decided to check one motel that looked the best of a bad bunch. We were stood at the little booth waiting for the guy to tell us how much for 2 beds who could speak no english when suddenly some guy in a football top, baseball cap and swaggering about carrying some sort of drink appeared from his room shouting " Gina you SLUT!!" as he unloaded things from his pickup truck. George and i looked at eachother and decided to get the hell outta there. 
We kept driving around looking for somewhere to stay but couldnt find anywhere. It was a really rough part of town and everyone just seemed to looked like a gangster or drug dealer. We all thought it would be best to pay a little more for a hotel so we could sleep a little easier. This ended up taking us downtown anyways which was really handy. As we made our way towards the hotel things seemed to get a little nicer. We checked into the Hotel Blue for $30 each which wasnt a bad price at all. The hotel room is really nice and overlooks downtown. It has a pool which we shall be hitting in the morning before our complementary breakfast. 
We headed out at about 8pm all fancying pizza and found a place not to far from the hotel. It was a proper Italian restaurant and you could tell that in the pizza's we got, best in USA so far in my opinion. We decided that we would have a quick walk downtown to see if there was anywhere to get a beer. We didn't get that far really as it really just felt dodgy and like there was a bad atmosphere. Cars were cruising past slowly with music blaring, windows down and rough looking Mexican guys just staring at us. It was just all a little bit weird. Strange as it was probably fine but we just didn't feel comfortable. Family Guy was on the t.v which will do us nicely tonight anyways after a long day of swimming and what not, but a beer fueled night is certainly got to be on the cards soon, but my age seems to proving quite a problem at the moment. Roll on the 1st of July. England play tomorrow again so i better go as i have energy to scream at the TV for 90 minutes! Come on !!!

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