Friday 8 June 2012

Day 3 - Pot aint a drug, its a plant

Well another long day. We woke up for our last morning in NY and quickly gathered all of our belongings thrown across our hotel room and headed down for brekfast, a little earlier than yesterday. We managed to get a seat and forced down lots of watery scrambled egg to fill up for the day. After blasting a few coffees down we went over the plan for the day : take train to times square, another to penn station, take train to newark airport and then monorail to pick up our car. We checked out and loaded up like little work mules carrying our bags down the streets of queens. We managed to get an early train into times square without confusion like the days before and quickly got into conversation with an interesting chap. He began speaking to Sam first asking him where he was from what was he doing, then got myself and George and a few other passengers into an awkward conversation. Turned out he was a homeless guy. He said his wife had left him after 20 years together and now he has lost everything. Quite sad really. He was a really nice guy. He was determined to convince us pot was good for us though. We parted ways after he showed us the direction to the train we needed and watched him wander off down the subway on way to atlantic city, i hope he won some big bucks.
After two other trains we made it to pick up the car. We went through paper work and were shown the car. A silver chevolette cruz.Was a bit better than we thought it was gonna be. Quite posh. We fiddled with the buttons and decided Sam would drive first. I cannot as im not 21 yet sadly. We tried our sat nav that we had bought in NY city. The thing wouldnt find a signal. We tried for half an hour and to our frustration could not get it to work. I swear if i ever have the pleasure to go back to times square i will take that sat nav and shove it up the guys ass who sold us it. Completely ripped off.
We walked back inside and sadly had to pay another large fee to rent a sat nav from the car hire, but it was needed. We were all a little nervous and as we should be. Not one of us had driven in USA before, or a automatic car ! So Sam sat for a while trying to pump himself up in the garage. He finally started up and we began to move forward to our relieve. Taking it slow we made our way out onto the freeway. The stress of finding our way around the huge roads began. At a toll road Sam nearly smashed staright through the barriers, it was hilarious. For that first our i really was fearing for my life! But well done to Sam. He got us on the go in one piece. We made our way on interstate 80 northwest through New Jersey. Soon enough we made it over the border into Pennsylvania to a sign "welcome to the Pennsylvania wilds". It really was we drove from 1.30pm untill 7pm through endless forests and trees. It was so beautiful, apart from the roadkill that littered the roads. The main target sadly seemed to be deer. During this drive through the mass of green we stopped off for some dinner at a mexican place " Moes" at a rest stop. We had vegetable quesadillas and nachos, washed down with unlimited gatorade from the machine. We carried on listening to good tunes speeding west. The weather started off very sunny on the morning but by 3pm it was raining and we were looking to camp for the night. We decided to keep going hoping that we woukd drive out of the storm. Thankfully by 6ish we had and sun was beating down again. We saw a sign for a campsite and followed directions into a a quiet town and onto a shady campsite. We parked outside a small cabin and went in pushing past a squeaky door to find an elderly old man and woman greeting us. They were very charming and looked like they had been here forever. We settled a price and drove down to the campsite. We quickly set up camp and went back out in the car searching for food. Only 2 minutes down the road we found a italian place " Sweet Basil". We headed in to be greeted by several hot waitresses which we loved straight away! We ordered 3 pizzas. Three enormous pizzas arrived and we tucked straight in. We took leftovers in a box and after some funny banter with the girls we headed back to the camp with. Cracking a six pack open,  of newcy brown ale ! we sat round looking at the stars and toasted to making it alive for the first day !!

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