Sunday 10 June 2012

Day 5 - 500 miles until a beer

Well we are alive. Bit of a creepy night in the motel last night. Its just our imaginations running away but there were some shifty looking characters around outside our room, and being at the top of the stairs there was quite alot of noise going on. I woke at 3am some guys shouting in the hallway at eachother. We packed up at around 9 and headed out for some brekfast. Ending up in subway again we tucked into a foot long which went down a treat, but i think by the time we get to this farm we will have put on a stone!
Todays task was to get to St Louis. We have been driving quite fast through the states so far as we just want to get onto route 66 really as thats where we have read about alot of cool and interesting attractions. So it was 500 miles away, quite far.
There isnt to much to talk about really as we just drove all day. Stopped for 10 minutes at a mcdonalds where its crazy cheap! Cheesburger, strawberry sunday and refill on gatorade, $3!! Amazing. We stopped a few times for petrol which is really cheap compared to England also.
It was 7pm when we arrived at St Louis where the streets were full of people. There was a baseball game on where the stadium looked pretty awesome as you could see in from the street. We thought about getting tickets but the game wouldnt be on for to much longer. There was also a free street concert going on as it was a marines memorial day. So trying to find a hotel was tough. We typed different ones in to the sat nav but they were either to tough to get too as roads were closed off or just massive like the hilton, therefore to pricey. We finally found one just out the centre of town and told we were lucky as pretty much every hotel in the city was sold out this weekend! It was a little pricey but we had no choice. Turns out we got what we payed for. Two huge beds, flat screen and just a massive posh room. We quickly got ready and called a taxi to take us somewhere. The lady in reception recommened that we check out the " Delmar loop", which was a strip of bars and restaurants as we looked like the type who would enjoy it. Turns out she was right. There was a university campus just round the corner so there was people our age everywhere. We had a quick wander down the strip and found a nice pizza place where we were seated outside. It had been 35 degrees all day and was still 28, even at 9 o clock! Just so humid. A5 chap with a huge beer took our orders and asked we were having a beer. George and Sam are both 21, however im only 20 until july 1st so i was shocked when he asked but so happy! We orderd a round and sat back and amdired the american college chicks everywhere!

The pizzas were amazing, just like everyother meal we have had so far.
After being stuffed with what was called small on the menu but was actually massive! we walked down the strip and came across a bar with live music blasting out. We went in and tried our look and to our suprise he didnt ID us! So we bought a round and took a seat. We sat there and took in the atmosphere of the place, a real american bar.

We had a few rounds and decided to head somewhere else. I thought i might have been biting off more than i could chew and i was right. The first place we tried i was embaressingly turned down and on the second occassion also. It was so painful! It was now 12am so we decided to get a cab. We called one but he didnt turn up. We noticed a guy sitting in a cab and asked him, interupting him from his harmonica playing. He was such a sassy black guy, he was fantastic! As he drove us home we enjoyed listening to him tell us about things from gun problems with youngsters to being careful in town as all the women have sexual diseases. It was quite hilarious. We headed up stairs to our room quite happy with the night and hit the sack. Tomorrow we shall explore the city.

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