Tuesday 12 June 2012

Day 8 - Steers and Queers

Another night survived in a run down motel. Relatively quiet really apart from the guy above us. It was another really humid night. I woke at around 7.30am and stayed awake because i was so uncomfortable in bed due to the fact my bed sheets were literally wet from me sweating in the night. George and Sam slept in today untill 9.30am so i laid in my own sweat reading my Bear Grylls book.
After packing up we set off at around 11am for some brekfast/dinner. We drove past a old fashioned diner in downtown Oklahoma so parked up and headed in. We got yet more sandwichs, pretty much all we have had other than burgers. It kinda annoyed us that the girl on the till when we ordered printed off our receipts and gave us a pen to fill how much we would like to tip. Our arses hadnt even touched a chair and they were wanting tips! Crazy.

We didnt have a massive drive today. We were heading to Amarillo, Texas today. We checked out some of the attractions on the way and decided to check out a Route 66 museum in Clinton, Oklahoma. It was really awesome. It really did feel like we had stepped in to 1950's which i think is the coolest period of time. Everything from the corner dining booth next to the jukebox surrounded by route 66 memorabillia to the vintage cars with Elvis standing next to them. All the while top hits like Elvis himself and Buddy Holly playing in the background. It was also interesting learning about how the people of Oklahoma and surrounding states had to up and leave during the dust bowl due to lack of farming and headed on route 66 to California.
Just outside across the road there was a motel where Elvis would stay regulary in the same room. All in all a good $5 spent. I ended up buying a really cool cup/flask from the gift shop that i love but George and Sam arnt enthusiastic as i am about it.

After stopping for gas and a refill on my favourite drink, Arizona Ice tea, we pressed into Texas. The change in landscape and scenary seemed almost immediate. Everything was suddenly so open, distant plains on the with distant horizons. The sun was back out again. We pulled into to Amarillo at around 5.30pm and quickly found a motel in centre of town. It was $52 for two queen beds and the guy seemed really nice and helpful so we payed up. It is 50 times better than last night. Wi-fi is a big bonus to. The room actually smells nice and clean. It finally time to do some laundry also so we sorted that out, without detergent mind but better than nothing.
After showering we headed into town and ended up in a italian bistro "Eddies". We supped on a few cold Buds which was good. Sam was ready to break his veggie run of 8 months tonight and had a pasta/prawn dish which he didnt really enjoy. They are both trying to break themselves in slowly as it seems the veggie options on the menu's are becoming more and more scarce. I was loving watching them eat meat though for some weird reason. Im gonna get them on the steaks soon. Speaking of steaks we drove past a place today that has the challenge of eating a 72oz steak with chips and salad. If you eat it all in under 60 minutes you get it free, if you dont you pay the bill. I would love to have a go but really dont fancy paying for it. 72oz of cow would be pricey.
After a couple of beers we headed around town looking for somewhere to get a few more but it was literally like a ghost town ! We decided to call it a night at around 10.30pm and maybe just in time. After 10 minutes back in the room cracks of thunder and huge bright flashes every few seconds light up the sky. It was a proper storm. Makes english thunder storms look pathetic. As i write this its still going on now actually. Storm warning keep flashing on the t.v. The rain is absolutely bucketing down. Hopefully our car will still be there in the morning. George is now asleep but Sam and i are watching the news. Warning that flash floods and thunderstorms are going to be ongoing until 4 am. Possibility of tornado's too. I dont know wether to be excited or scared. Either way we shall find out in the morning.

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