Friday 8 June 2012

Day 4 - My word its Hot

Woke up nice and early at 6.30am to birds singing. We all had a decent night sleep but it got pretty cold during the night. The skies were blue and it looked like another nice day. After eating leftover pizza we packed up and set off again in Mary ( the cars new name ). A quick pit stop at walmart for some water and sarnies for the day and we were plowing on west again. We were driving on interstate 80 still and decided to aim for a town called youngstown just over the border of Ohio for a pitstop and maybe some tourist attractions. The sun was blazing down once we had reached youngstown by 12. We ate our food in a car park and studied the map. There was a huge lake, Lake Milton on our route so we thought we would check it out. After a short drive we exited the interstate and found our way to the lake. The water wasnt crystal clear but on a hot day like today it seemed to good. It was now 31 degrees so we stripped down into some swimming shorts and made our way to a little pier with unattended docked boats. It was bloody freezing. We took some pictures of us acting like 13 year old lads jumping in and some good videos. It was very refreshing and cooled us down.

We went and sat on the grass and chilled out for 20 minutes starting on our sun tans. I ended up burning my shoulders abit so sun tan cream will be needed from now on. There were some big kids swings in a little park and we ended up on them for a while. I hadnt been on swings for years. I felt like a child again.

Back on the road again for around 2pm we headed west past a town " Akron" and the southwest on interstate 71 and headed for a town called mansfield. George started to get tired from driving after a good full day behind the wheel, a first for him so we decided to call it a day and look for a motel. The first one we checked out looked like a crack den. It was absolutely horrible! We swiftly moved on and went into the centre of mansfield where we saw " Merrit inn". It was cheap enough so we checked in. Whilst sat in our room there was suddenly a massive smash outside the window. We ran too look and saw 2 cars smashed into eachother under our balcony! Thankfully nobody was hurt, just shook up.
After a quick wash we headed out to look for some food. We wandered around but with rumbling stomachs we gave in and decided to hit and indian buffet. It was fantastic and we managed 3 plates each ! Getting our moneys worth! The waiter Don was really friendly and was good conversation. As we were leaving he invited us out for drinks in town later in the night. I took his facebook and we took off. George was exhausted though so sadly we had to pass. We ended up, or as i write this we are sat in bed watching crap tv but we are all tired so its all good. So tomorrow we should hit our target, St Louis! Good times. Thats if we see the morning, this motel is very dodgy!

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