Tuesday 12 June 2012

Day 7 - Tornado Alley

Well last night was the most humid sweaty night of all time. Didnt drop below 29 degrees!
 And this creepy motel didnt help to much either. But you get what you pay for i guess.
Woke at 7.30 am and laid watching the most horrific show about these guys collecting stuff for auctions.
After a quick shower we headed out to a local phone shop "At and T" to sort out a cheaper way to call home and eachother. George and i still havent spoke to anyone from home yet and im sure my mam is freaking out. The weather this morning was pretty dull but the humidity was still ridiculous. Black clouds were sat on the horizon to the north as we entered the shop. The clouds were getting closer and the chap serving us began telling us about a tornado that this time last year ripped through the town of Joplin and destroyed a thrid of the town. This was quite worring to us as this was tornado land. Feeling a tad scared we headed back out to find the storm clouds right over our heads and it starting to rain.We were heading 5 minutes up the road to wallmart and by the time we reached it the rain was pouring heavily and thunder and lighting was cracking right above us, it was awesome. Running in to the shop and back out we ended up being absolutely soaked.
It was nearly 11am here which meant time to watch England vs France so we drove back across town to the bar we at last night. The match had just started as we pulled up seats right under a huge flat screen showing the match. We were given a little sound box with the sound of the tv which was pretty cool.
Half time we ordered some baskets of nachos which were amazing. During the second half a lady came in and began talking to a local lady who was fascinated by our trip and plans. She was called Kelly, about 45 and dressed in a casual bohemian fashion, sporting a trilby. She began telling us about the tornado last year that came through the town. She was still recovering from the carnage. She showed a little picture book she had as she zipped on her cocktail at 11.30am. The pictures were what was left of her house. It wasnt much, just bits of debris and wood. There were no walls left and actually no furniture. Nothing. She has a job interview tomorrow so i hope she gets it and some luck. The girl behind the bar who us three were fascinated with gave George and i some free shots for some reason which was awesome. We felt like staying but we had plans and got going after saying bye to everyone, including a yankee liverpool fan and got back on the road after the match.

After a hour on the road again we pulled into a little town where they had huge cherokee totem poles which we got a few snaps of. Its little things like this making the trip really fun.
We arrived into to Oklahoma city at around 6pm and found another cheap motel to check into. 21 dollars each wasnt bad at all but no wi fi.  The place was yet again creepy and the manager seemed a little out there. After getting a shower we drove into town and parked up. Walking around the streets was really nice. Was a nice warm night and we came across a almost european style strip. There was a small canal running down the street with trees hanging over and bars and restaurants on either side. There was a nice restaurant with a talented chap playing guitar, a bass drum and a trombone and even singing too. It was a little pricey but we wernt bothered as we have lived on burgers for the last 6 days! George made the huge decision to get salmon. He has been vegetarian for 2 years so this was a big deal. Thankfully he really enjoyed it, even convinced him to have a little piece of my chicken. After that we headed back to motel room at about 11pm and sat nervously as the guy above who looked a little rough played music loudly. Its always fine but your imagination starts to run away with you. Tomrrow we will enter Texas. Yeeehahhhh!!!!!!!

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