Wednesday 20 June 2012

Day 13 - Oh my god that's high!

What a way to wake up, apart from a slight hangover. The sun was shining bright at 6.30 when we woke. It was a good way to come round listening to the waves. It was to bright to go back to sleep so we got up and packed our stuff away and headed up the hill to the car. The car by now is an absolute tip! so we chucked our stuff in and got going, all a little nervous about this jump which we all HAD! to do.
Crossing a bridge you could see the jump we were going to do and it looked even higher then we had remembered. Changing into our swim shorts we made our way up to the top of the cliff and looked down. I knew going first was the best as ive done it before. Once someone has gone before you can see how high it is as the person in the water looks so small, however if you go first its just water, if that makes sense. So i scrambled to the top, took one look and launched off it. It was ridiculous! I landed after what seemed an age in the air and realized i had a nose bleed from the pressure of the water shooting up my nose. The adrenaline was amazing. Corny but really felt alive! I sat in the water looking up at the petrified faces of them two when suddenly Sam came leaping off with a face full of fear screaming bad words. He smashed down and came up laughing which was a relief. Now George remained peering down at us trying to settle his nerves. He vanished from sight for a few seconds then appeared, leaping off and letting out the most feminine scream before hitting the water. It was hilarious. We swam round and climbed back up the rocks which was scary itself and decided to do it again and video it which made it even worse as the pressure was on. We had to do it as the camera was rolling. George let out another fantastic yelp on his way down which cracked us up again, Sam some more bad language and i did the same which my mam wont be happy about, sorry mam. I have tried and tried to upload the videos onto here but its not letting me but they are on my Facebook so hopefully this link will work if your bothered.

Having the hangover absolutely smashed out of us we headed to McDonald's to get a coffee and sat in the carpark with some sarnies we bought from Walmart the day before.
After filling ourselves up we hit the road heading for the Grand Canyon! No big deal! By far the best morning so far. It was a lovely drive there through the pine trees and little traffic. We were heading for a place called "Desert view" inside the park which cost us $25 to get into which was annoying but well worth it. I worked in the the canyon 2 years ago and completely fell in love with it. I couldn't wait to see Sam and Georges face when they saw it because i remember what i was like. They loved it obviously! It was amazing. There is a tower you can go to the top of which gives you an amazing panoramic view. The river looked beautifully pristine way down in the distance.

We spent a good hour taking it in and set off to try get ourselves into the village campsite. We were unsuccessful. It was so busy and completely full. He showed us a campsite just outside the park. He also informed us you need to reserve a camp spot at the bottom of the canyon to camp there which we hadn't done, so the plan to hike to the bottom tomorrow and camp had gone out the window. Feeling a little cheesed off its got to be said we headed to this campsite which luckily wasn't far at all. They had space but were charging $26 a tent which is ridiculous, so we decided to just put the one tent up. This didn't take long and we went to go get some dinner in a Mexican restaurant round the corner.
We chilled out for a short while but soon got bored so headed back into the park and looked from some of the observation points and then headed over to the South Kaibab trail which i worked on when i was here. We didnt want to do much so we hiked a 1.5 miles down just for a little taster for tomorrow. It really is an amazing place and would say to anyone you have to see it before you die! It just looks fake. We walked back up to the top which is really steep and left us having to stop in the shade for a quick rest.

It was now getting late in the evening so we headed to the overpriced shop to buy some food and then headed over to Yavappi point, a great place to watch the sunset. It was rather busy but we found a little space to sit and watch a truly spectacular sight. The colour's in the sky on the horizon are just crazy. My camera really does not do it justice. Everyone cheered and clapped as the sun slowly disappeared over the horizon, we are in USA after all. Everyone soon cleared off while we sat for a while. It was brilliant.
It was now about 9pm so we headed back as we
needed a good night sleep for our hike tomorrow. Setting up our camps, Sam with his paper thin roll mat and no pillow, George using his towel to lie on and no pillow and me with a flat roll mat and paper thin sleeping bag, it didn't seem like it was going to be the most relaxing night we have ever endured.

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