Thursday 21 June 2012

Day 14 - Man its hot!

Well as expected it was basically one of the worst night sleeps we have all ever had! Not only was it just really uncomfortable lying on rocks and twigs in the dirt but it got freezing cold which i knew would happen but not that bad. We were all just tossing and turning all night, people we were walking past us a few feet from our heads and when i woke at 6am i just went and sat in the car for an hour to un-freeze my poor old toes! Soon after George and Sam got up and sat in the car for a short while before we all got ourselves ready to go do a massive hike, lovely. But really we were all excited about it. We popped to the grocery store first and bought some supplies for dinner, packets of tuna called "Chicken of the sea" for some weird reason to make sarnies and one of the best things ever, trail mix. Its just peanuts, raisins, nuts and M n M's.So good and they give you energy. 
Changing our minds last night we decided to not hike the south kaibab since we couldn't go to the bottom because i have done it loads before and went for the Bright Angel trail which unlike the south Kaibab has water stops every 1.5 miles. After a little bit of confusion trying to find the start of the trail we set off at around 9.30am. It was already 34 degrees. We set a steady pace overtaking people on the busy trail. Going down is easy its just coming back up thats tiring. We made it to the first checkpoint and plowed on straight to next one where we tucked into some sarnies and trail mix. After a quick break we set off again. We couldn't really go to far down because we couldn't camp down there sadly, and Sam said he didn't feel comfortable going down and back up in one day as he hasn't done all that much hiking which was the right decision anyways, i don't think any of us would probably have done without alot of stress and pain. However we said that we would get reservations and sort it out to come back in a few weeks. 
Making it 4.5 miles down at the "Indian Garden" we took a break in the shade for 45 minutes and ate our dry stinky sarnies. It was so much hotter down here as the lower you go the hotter it gets.
We set off back towards the rim, immediately realising the difference in difficulty. We plowed on up taking rests in the shade. It was hilarious. Every so often you could here Sam saying " Wow, i am never eating Domino's pizza again!" and George shouting at himself for smoking during his time in york " I have the lungs of a 13 year old girl!". But neither of them do much hiking so it was a bloody good effort.
 Just before the top some big american guy was walking with his 9 year old girl when he let out a huge long fart as if no one was around then starting blaming the girl. Bad man. We reached the top at around 3.20pm and gave eachother a little pat on the back. Some enthusiatic guy from Chicago agreed to take our photo so we all gave a tired smile.

After we got back into the car/sauna and on the road heading to one of, if not my favourite place, Flagstaff AZ. I lived there for 3 months when i did my volunteer work out here. Its just a picturesque place full of laid back, bohemian characters where you can find a place to do pretty much any sport you would like, surrounded by mountains and hot girls riding old fashioned bikes.If there's a heaven then that's mine. 
We pulled into town early evening and noticed a motel downtown so pulled in there. Wasn't a bad price. We  were all quite tired from the hike so got showered and went out to a place i lived in when i was here "NiMarco's pizzeria". Its so good and huge pizza slices. We all got a "13 pizza each and tucked in, it was just as amazing as i recalled. 
Our eyes were growing heavier by the minute so we drove back round to the motel. Lying down was just amazing, our legs were aching from the hike so we just laid and watched tv all night. Not exciting but we needed to get an early night after last nights terrible excuse of a sleep. 

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