Wednesday 20 June 2012

Day 12 - 3 states 

Well i havent been able to carry on the blog lately due to us camping and doing more outdoor activities so i am writing this trying my best to remember what happened a few days ago, so i will do my best.
We woke quite early and headed down for a quick swim in the indoor pool. Then once the 40st women left we got into the Jacuzzi to simmer in her leftover juices. With some time to spare we went headed over to get some breakfast in the dining room which was really busy. It wasn't bad but yet more plastic egg and bacon. Coffee's always good though. The storm from last night had clearly passed as we headed back onto the road  in the bright sunshine. The road was now taking us north west on lonely open roads through the orange wasteland. We began to enter the Native Navajo territory passing what basically looked like slums. It really is quite depressing around there. We stopped at McDonalds where George sampled his first beef in two years! We were definitely the minority around here and you could sense it. The locals didnt seem to fond of us but it didnt come as a surprise as last time i was here i was always told that alot of the Navajo natives havent forgiven the white man for taking over there America. 
We got back on the open, very open road again and crossed over the border into Arizona en-route to Monument Valley which is on the border with Utah. The journey there was absolutely spectacular. Horizons as far as the eye could see then sudden massive red rocks  touching the sky in the distance, it was amazing. We drove past a random group of donkeys just stood in the middle of the road, and lots and lots of roadkill.
Arriving at around 1pm we payed $5 each to get into the park and short drive later to the visitor centre we were awarded with an epic view. Wide open orange landscapes with nothing but a few enormous rocks. You cant really appreciate it until you are there, the photos dont really do it justice but we took a few good ones.

All in great moods after seeing such an amazing natural wonder we set off towards lake Powell which i hold memories of the last time i was over here. It didnt take to long and we stopped off at Walmart to buy some food to take to the beach. I was only going off memory to get us to the awesome spot i liked to visit so it was a little confusing, however after leaving walmart it soon became clear and i showed the guys a 40ft jump we have to do in the morning. We all felt a little nervous looking down off the cliff. 
Back in the car we drove a little further round looking down on the lake until we came to the entrance where yet again we paid $5 each to get in and drove on in. It all came back to me quickly and we pulled up in a parking space and grabbed our food and sleeping bags, aswell as a lovely crate of Bud, the main thing!
The beach was free apart from a lovely girl working out in a bikini which we didn't mind, its got to be said. It was around 40 degrees so we went for a dip. It was awesome. It was one of the best nights so far. The hot chick left after about an hour, we ate pasta and drank beers until the stars came out. Thats the one thing i got George and Sam excited about when we were England, the stars. They didnt dissapoint. We saw 10 shooting stars darting across the sky. Billions shone above us as the waves lapped against the shore a few feet from our feet. Perfection. We sipped beers until god knows when and slept like babies. 

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